🔗DeFi Yield performs Fry World’s Code Audit; Partnership and Upcoming Integration

2 min readDec 18, 2020


Community Update #14

This is the begging of a great partnership!

The Fry World team is excited to announce a partnership with DeFi Yield, bringing needed transparency and trust to the rapidly evolving Binance Smart Chain ecosystem.

DeFi Yield is a reputable and well-established project, with a vibrant community, that provides an excellent resources to verify, analyze and learn everything related to BSC projects, features and vulnerabilities. DeFi Yield provides a comprehensive set of tools that elevates user experience. We highly recommend to visit and utilize the offering.


We are proud to announce that DeFi Yield has confirmed our official declarations, intentions and structure are true and correct, and has identified Risk Level as Low. The DeFi Yield team has been extremely helpful and the process was straightforward. Thank you guys!

Please find the full report here:

Additionally, the report will be posted in our Fry Book of Knowledge on Gitbook.


We are in process of adding pools and fryVaults to DeFi Yield platform. The vaults with highest TVL will be added.

We are looking forward to further develop and create added value for our users, ensuring high quality and cooperation. Fry World is developing a viable asset management platform, that allows utilization of new asset classes, without compromising security.

Happy frying! Love&Fries from the team!🍟🔥🍟

Official channels:

âś…Telegram: https://t.me/FryWorldFinance
âś…Discord: https://discord.gg/3YANtNr
âś…Twitter: https://twitter.com/fry_world
âś…Website: https://fry.world/
âś…Fry Book of Knowledge: https://fry-world.gitbook.io/fry-world/âś…Chinese Community: https://t.me/FryWorldFinance_CN
âś…Portuguese Community: https://t.me/MundoFry
âś…Indonesian Community: https://t.me/friesindonesia



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