🎆Fast Food Christmas Carnival Co-Hosted by Fast Food Alliance and DEGO🎇| Join the Carnival and share $70,000!
Community Update #13

✨Dear Fryoneers,
The Fast Food Alliance has decided to celebrate end of 2020 with a joyful campaign that involves members of our amazing communities!
We are extremely grateful for the journey we share with you and let us present the upcoming Fast Food Christmas Carnival which will be co-presented by DEGO! Free meals to the community at the Fast Food Christmas Carnival!🎁🍟🍔🥤
The Fast Food Alliance is a group of Binance Smart Chain based projects, coming together with a common vision to provide DeFi use cases, boost adoption and bring innovation to the users around the world. Initiated by BurgerSwap, Fry.World is one of earliest members, in a company of solid projects like Cokefinance.com and 7up.finance.
🍴What does the free meal look like?
The first free meal you are gonna get is an NFT blind box from DEGO, which contains a certain number of FRIES, BURGER, COKE, or 7UP. Upon getting the NFT, you can choose to transfer the NFT, auction it, or participate in the Battalion Mining.
Second free meal: share a $60,000 DEGO reward pool! All you need to do is to follow the detailed rules shown below and join the NFT stake mining battalion.
Please check detailed rules from DEGO
Third free meal: New users who complete a certain task are able to share a $10,000 of BNB reward pool generously offered by Binance Smart Chain.
🥂What do I need to get free meals?
The rules are very simple, but the giveaway is limited to 1000 participants. First 1000 participants who successfully complete any two of the following 4 tasks with a same BSC address during Dec. 14 to 18, are guaranteed to get an NFT blind box which contains some tokens and can choose to join the Battalion Mining, which will start from Dec. 21.
Duration: 0am, Dec. 14 to 0am, Dec. 19, UTC. (First Free Meal — tasks are closed).
Unfortunately, we have already closed the tasks for the first free meal, but that doesn’t mean you are not able to join the NFT stake mining battalion and share the $60,000 DEGO reward pool as the second free meal mentioned above. Users who missed the chance of getting a Fast Food blind box NFT can join the battalion by casting their own NFTs.
For the third free meal, Binance Smart Chain and the Fast Food Alliance have prepared $10,000 of BNB for our new BSC addresses, which are registered after 0am, Dec. 21, UTC. New BSC users are able to get their share by completing any of the following tasks.
Campaign duration: 0am, Dec. 21 to 0am, Dec 31, UTC.
Task 1 — BurgerSwap
Provide at least 10 USD of liquidity daily on average on each side for BNB/BURGER on BurgerSwap.org.
Burger will take snapshot at a random time everyday throughout the 10-day campaign period. Liquidity providers with at least 20 USD worth of BNB/BURGER on average daily are eligible.
For example, new BSC user Alexa provides 60 USD of BNB and 60 USD of BURGER on Dec.21, and withdraw them on Dec. 23,her average liquidity provided is 120*2/10=24, as 48 is higher than 20, Alexa successfully completes this task.
BurgerSwap user guide:
Contact at https://t.me/burgerswap for any questions.
- BurgerSwap exchange: https://burgerswap.org/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/burger_swap
- Telegram: https://t.me/burgerswap
- Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/BurgerSwapAnn
Task 2 — Cokefinance.com
Users can either:
- Collateralize 20USD worth of BURGER to cokefinance.com and borrow the corresponding amount of USDT or,
- Supply 20 USDT to USDT (BURGER) pool.
Coke will take snapshot at a random time everyday throughout the 10-day campaign period. Borrowers and suppliers with at least 20 USDT daily on average are regarded as successful.
For example, new BSC user Alexa supplies 50 USDT to the USDT (BURGER) pool on Dec.24, and withdraw them on Dec. 26, her average daily supply is 50*2/10=10, Alexa doesn’t complete this task.
Cokefinance.com user guide:
Contact at https://t.me/cokefinance for any questions.
- Website: http://cokefinance.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/CokeFinance
- Telegram: https://t.me/cokefinance
Task 3 — Fry.World
Provide at least 10 USD of liquidity on each side for BURGER/FRIES on BurgerSwap.org and you will automatically get FRIES from Fry.Wolrd.
FryWorld will take snapshot at a random time everyday throughout the 10-day campaign period. Liquidity providers with at least 20 USD worth of BURGER/FRIES on average are regarded as successful.
For example,new BSC user Alexa provides 60 USD of FRIES and 60 USD of BURGER on Dec.26, and withdraw them on Dec. 28, her average liquidity provided is 120*2/10=24, as 24 is more than 20,Alexa successfully completes this task.
Fry.World user guide:
Contact us at https://t.me/FryWorldFinance for any questions.
- Discord: https://discord.gg/3YANtNr
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/fry_world
- Website: https://fry.world/
- Chinese Community: https://t.me/FryWorldFinance_CN
- Indonesian Community: https://t.me/friesindonesia
Task 4 — 7up.finance
Users can either:
- Supply at least 20 USD worth of FIL to either pool daily on average, or
2. Collateralize 20 USDT or BUSD and borrow the corresponding amount of FIL.
7Up will take snapshot at a random time everyday throughout the 10-day campaign period. Suppliers with at least 20 USD worth of FIL daily on average and borrowers with 20 USDT or BUSD daily on average are regarded as successful.
For example, new BSC user Alexa collateralizes 50 BUSD to borrow the corresponding amount of FIL on Dec.24, and repay them on Dec. 26, her average collateral is 50*2/10=10, Alexa doesn’t complete this task.
7up.finance user guide:
Contact at https://t.me/sevenupfinancechat for any questions.
- Website: https://7up.finance/
- Telegram chat: https://t.me/sevenupfinancechat
- Telegram announcements: https://t.me/sevenupfinanceann
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/7upFinance
- Medium: 7upfinance.medium.com