FRIES/BURGER 7X Reward Farming Announcement
3 min readOct 8, 2020

Community Update #2

🍟Dear Fryoneers,

What a turbulent last few days its been (aka crypto)! We stayed strong, having immense support from the community, and have developed, tested and are ready to release 7X REWARD FARMING!πŸ”₯

We hope you are as happy as we are!

$FRIES team is excited to announce officially that we have formed a strategic partnership with BurgerSwap! To celebrate this we are introducing a Multi Reward Farming Solution for fryoneers who decide to use it.πŸ”πŸŸπŸš€

⏳Countdown is right here

⏳Update on payouts!

Due to the amazing success of the 7x Farming pool the FRIES team must change the payout schedule to every 2 hours to save on the immense gas fees we are paying to distribute FRIES rewards. We hope you understand that this change is because the FRIES team does not want to sell dev fund FRIES this early in the project to cover the costs of the fees and with the 2 hour payments the FRIES team can cover the costs.

What does this mean?

  1. Users will be adding liquidity to the Burger Fries pool on BurgerSwap;
  2. They will be farming fries at a 7X multiplier; AND
  3. Will be receiving BURGER rewards for providing liquidity there.
  4. Double the rewards, One liquidity pool!

What do you have to do?

  1. Users provide liquidity to the BURGER/FRIES poolπŸ”πŸŸ
  2. Binance Smart Chain does the restπŸ€–
  3. Users will receive their $FRIES rewards directly to their wallet (every hour). You don’t need to harvest $FRIES, it will be done automaticallyπŸ”
  4. Users will be collecting $BURGERS in the LP normally, that can be harvested any timeπŸ†

For the first time in farming history, community and adopters will be rewarded twice by providing liquidity to the same pool.


  1. Because of the unique farming solution we have teamed up to BurgerSwap to build, the pending rewards will be shown only on your BurgerSwap liquidity pool for Burger/Fries LPs. They are working on integrating this as soon as possible.
  2. On the website, after the 24:00 clock expires, there will be a reset clock which will be hourly β€” to represent every hour the $FRIES token will get distributed to Burger/Fries LPs. Clicking the button will lead you directly to the pool on Burger Swap to add liquidity.

Start adding liquidity to FRIES/BURGER LP here:

Next Steps

  1. The next release on will the StrongFries staking pool, which will also produce Ketchup governance tokens $KHP πŸ…. This will start the process of governance on the fry network.
  2. Specific details to be released about FryWorld Finance v1 and our roadmap ahead!


❔ How Multi Reward farming will affect $FRIES distribution?

βœ…The token supply will not change. The % of all rewards will be split between all farms.

❔ Can I withdraw from the LP any time or the funds are locked?

βœ…You can withdraw LP any time.

❔ Who is providing BURGER/FRIES LP?

βœ…Our LP with 7x rewards is exclusively on BurgerSwap

❔ Is there a minimum amount of liquidity that I need to provide in order to get Multi Rewards?

βœ… No. There is no minimum or maximum.

❔ How will I receive my $FRIES rewards?

βœ… Your $FRIES rewards will be deposited automatically in the wallet (wallet you use at BurgerSwap to provide liquidity)

❔ How will I receive my $BURGER rewards?

βœ… You can harvest your tasty $BURGERS any time normally.

❔ What is the best crypto community?

βœ…Without any doubt, FRYONEERS!


Stay tuned for more exciting features and keep frying!🍟πŸ”₯πŸš€

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