FryDay 3/6/2021
2 min readMar 5, 2021


Welcome 🍟Fryoneers!! It’s time for the 🍟FryDay “🍟Fries By Numbers” weekly roundup ;)

Well, it’s been a turbulent week out there in markets, and we’ve had a real crypto rollercoaster on… but our metrics are as strong as ever, so here’s a run down of the best of the weeks numbers!

We get ever closer to the end of the Fair Launch, with 253 days to go.. 981 🍟Fries were minted in the past week, with 13,442 🍟Fries left before the end of emissions. Emissions are due to reduce during this next week, greater an even increasing pressure on supply levels.

There were only 162 🍟Fries burned last week (compared with 240, 329 and 571 respectively in the 3 weeks before that), showing that the market is getting quieter, probably due to the wait for new updates and features! Our Ketchup maxis have been holding strong though, more of that next!

Live Fries wallets have reduced by 27 over the course of the week (at 3,057 today) , but the 🍅Ketchup staked in the profit poolshare has moved back up past the 11,000 mark for the first time since 18th February, indicating that some of the “lost” 🍟Fries wallets represent new recent investors who have decided to take a poolshare of’s profits by staking their 🍟Fries in 🍅KHP.

The maximum theoretical number of 🍅KHP reduced from 26,107 to 25,688 over the week (as 🍅KHP gets rarer), due to the continual price rises of 🍅KHP against Fries, with the price of 1🍅KHP rising from 1.770 Fries to 1.793 in the 7 day period. The 🍅KHP staking pool has shown circa 0.2% daily growth recently, up from recent weeks, on the back of earnings from increased TVL levels.

Remember that KHP is only way to access the profits of’s smart contract, and KHP gets rarer every day!

The community site has had a busy week, with a major upgrade to the statistics offered and an expanded stats history section. Check out the latest daily stats at after 12pm UTC daily!

On the project front the whole community is keenly awaiting official news from the team on new releases and updates, but in the wider BSC world records as being set almost every day as the crypto market wakes up to the power of BSC. Our future is bright!

We are the first Fryoneers!!!!…… but there will be many others joining our ranks as BSC grows stronger, so hold on to your 🍟Fries, keep your 🍅Ketchup safe… and remember, we are only at the beginning of the game!

Hold the line!! To the Moon, and Beyond!!

Love&Fries from the team🍟💖

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