Successful Launch, Update & Roadmap
3 min readOct 4, 2020


Community Update #1

🍟Dear Fryoneers,

We are extremely grateful for this momentum, involvement, and positive feedback from the community! This level of support makes us work harder than ever in order to meet your expectations🍟

We thank each and every one who joined us this early on the long but very exciting journey in building yield optimizing strategies on the Binance Smart Chain🙏

FRY WORLD in numbers🌐

We are super happy to see the community grow in just 24 hours and these are the numbers we gathered since launch:

Telegram : 504 users

Twitter : 253 users

Discord : almost 100 users

Total Value Locked

Total Value Fluctuates. You can view it here:

Watching these numbers grow in real-time, we are humbled by the community’s faith in us, demonstrated by having millions of dollars staked and earning FRIES! We fully understand the expectations and responsibility this brings.

Rapid growth

We are steadily and organically climbing the ladder! BURGER-FRIES liquidity pool is open on BurgerSwap, where you can earn BURGERS and, very soon, FRIES🍔🍟

🤖 What else did we do besides staring at the screen looking at TVL?


Our talented and pro-active @deepfrydev identified the usability problem — users had to go through additional steps in order to wrap BNB, so they can start frying. He deemed this unacceptable and in few hours after launch has created an automatic solution to wrap and unwrap BNBs. Now anyone who needs a quick and easy solution just clicks here and voilà! This is a really useful tool for fryoneers, which will help us to increase number of users over time.


We are excited to cooperate with BurgerSwap because both teams believe in added value we can provide to the DeFi community (🍔&🍟 go well together in real life too!). FRIES is not designed as a competitor of any kind to BurgerSwap , but instead as a complementary product which will benefit both projects.The first implemented use case is stake $BURGER to earn $FRIES with 3x rewards.


Accomplished :

🚜 BURGER / FRIES LP Farming 🚜

🚜 BNB / FRIES LP Farming 🚜

💰Trust Wallet Integration💰

Upcoming :

📊 APYs 📊

💰BSC wallet integration💰

🍟 Staking FRIES 🍟

🍅 Ketchup and Governance 🍅

🍨 Stable Sundae DAO 🍨

📈 Fryworld Finance v1 📈

🌠 NFTS 🌠

As we release more technologies to the Binance Smart Chain we will continue to add new financial mechanisms to the FRIES ecosystem bringing the best on Ethereum over to BSC. This roadmap is subject to change due to the rapidly changing ecosystem of crypto and BSC.

We encourage our community to submit their proposals and we will do our best to accommodate them (collective does its magic, especially in crypto).

Stay tuned and keep frying!🍟🔥🚀

The official FRY WORLD channels:

Telegram: (Chinese)



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